Welcome to Nassakeag
Elementary PTA

We're very excited to kick off another great year. If you have already joined the PTA, we appreciate your support. If you have not joined yet for the 2024-2025 school year, please click here.
Joining the Nassakeag PTA directly benefits your child. All donations go towards enriching the education of our Nassakaeag students. The PTA has some new initiatives this year. We will be creating an indoor recess room with games and materials for all grade levels! We will also be adding some new events such as a Family Movie Night, Color Run and a Special Person's Dance.
Our website will be updated monthly with new information, so please check back regularly.
Nassakeag Main Office: (631) 730-4400
Nurse's Office: (631) 730-4410/ Fax: (631)730-4413/ Email nassakeagnurse@3villagecsd.org​
Transportation: (631) 730-5070
SACC: (631) 731-4432
Emergency School Closings: (631) 730-4050
Welcome back!